The Dynamic Triptych: There is no such thing as too much fun

The Dynamic Triptych: There Is No Such Thing As Too Much Fun

 I often say that I love how abstract art gives space for viewers to insert their own stories into the colors, lines and textures that spoke to me when I create a fine art photography piece of abstract realism. My latest Port of Call series has exceeded my wildest expectations with a triptych, “Dispersals,” which is comprised of a single photograph photosculpted into three composite photographs.

 The triptych will be on display for the month of May, at Gallery House in Palo Alto. It is hanging under my Surreal Realism composite piece, “Exodus shot in Turks & Caicos in January 2022.

 I am having the best time with friends and art patrons rearranging “Dispersals” as viewers actively participate in the artistic process and choose the hanging order they prefer.  What is amazing is that the first three people to engage with the piece as gallerists, picked three different ways to hang it by changing the order and even rotating some of the pieces!  Three pieces, with four possibilities each, and two possible alignments (vertical and horizontal) create a ZILLION different combinations.


I invite you to join the play with me on Weekend 1 or 3 of SVOS (Silicon Valley Open Studios) at Gallery House (Site 69) where you can rotate the pieces in the way that makes the most artistic sense to you. When you have found the one you like take a selfie with it and email it to me at One of you will win the raffle of a framed edition of 6x4 prints in your hanging order at the end of the month.

See you on Weekend 1 (May 7&8) or Weekend 3 (May 21&22) 11am-5pm.

 Let’s Make some art together!


P.S. On Weekend 2 (May 14) I will be with 24 other artists at my studio, #104,  located at Art Bias, 1700 Industrial Ave, San Carlos, CA. On a square footage basis there is no better place to see a huge selection of art in all media types in one place.